The past...
Turns out I used to blog. I just found my entries from 2013 through 2019… and then- like the rest of the world during COVID- I stopped. I have been looking back a lot lately- realizing how far I have come- how many things have changed. My favorite photos are of my early art shows. A menagerie of items and media and displays that I referred to as the “yard sale”- which truly was in some ways. I was throwing out everything I thought people “wanted” … and it took many years before I asked myself what it was I really wanted to create instead of what would sell. In those days I painted a lot of fishing tournament art- redfish tailing and blue marlin. I spent a lot of time outdoors at wildlife expositions and festivals. And I learned a lot.
My hope always was that at some point, the paintings I was driven to create and which brought me joy… would also be those my collectors wanted in their homes.
Here I am- in Asheville now. Living the dream I wrote about several times in those old blogs. Painting large scale BIG oil paintings EVERY day. They say what will make you happiest is doing what you loved as a child. I loved creating, and making messes. I used to run around in the woods behind my house and look for turtles and treasures. I used to make mud pies and swing all day on our little tire swing. I used to do all kinds of arts and crafts projects and my favorite activity was hiding under my trundle bed and reading.
Walking into my gallery and studio every day. brings me some of those same feelings- of the ability to play and create. To follow my bliss, and have my collectors follow with me. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for being on this journey with me.